BDSWEB Partner Exchange Database Search Results

(*) Required Entry (Others Optional)

My Sex: Woman
Partner Exchange RequestID#: 57 Date Entered: 06/17/97
(*) BDSWEB User Registration ID#: 557--About Me(*)Proficiency Level: Advanced
(*)User Password: (*)Type Dancer: Amateur Competitor
(*)Dance Category: International Standard
(*)Favorite Dance: Tango
(*) Locale: San FranciscoWeight (pounds): 125
City: San FranciscoHeight (Inches): 65
State: CARelocatable?: No
Date Entered Date: 06/17/97(*)Purge date (mm/dd/yy): 12/31/97
Zip Code: 94107Area Code: 415
Country: USA

Description: I have competed in International Standard at the Pre-Champ level and am currently dancing Pro-Am with my coach. My training includes Ballroom, Latin, Hustle, Salsa, and Swing. I like to rehearse, perform, compete and am willing to commute to practice. I am looking for a committed partner who shares my obsession for Ballroom Dancing and the drive to excel.

Thank you for using the BDSWEB Partner Exchange!Bill


PARTNERC2FIND (Records=1, Time=20ms)
SQL = Select * From partnerexchange
        where PartnerID=57