Worldgroup manager/Netscape Plugin Download

BDS - Client/Server Graphical Interface

Worldgroup Manager/Netscape Plugin C/S Interfaceself extracting Windows zip file. Once you have downloaded and installed the Worldgroup Manager Client/Server (C/S) Netscape plugin interface,click the following "BDS C/S" link to connect to the BDS- Ballroom Dance Supply Worldgroup server in a separate window,while the Netscape browser remains open in the original window. You can alternately move back ans forth between the two open interfaces.The Worldgroup server offers the potential of bringing full-fledges windows applications to the WEB without CGI or JAVA scripting.BDS is exploring this capability as well as upcoming enhanced WEB capability: open BDS C/S interface.




BDS offers free access to the WEB for BDS customers. The service is primarily intended for local area code (408) (or other close by areas) that can dialup by modem at reasonable connect cost without long distance rates. Two concurrent 28.8 lines are provided by using any terminal program to call (408)293-1788.Once the modem link is established the user is asked several questions.Without going into an explanation,press "1" then carriage return to the first question.New users will be led through an account initiation process where the USERID and PASSWORD are established next. .Most personal information like "birthdate" can accept "garbage" inputs;however,BDS will not approve full access privileges for improperly identified customers/free-WEB -access users.During the initiation process you will select your personal USERID and PASSWORD.When the process is complete,disconnect and re-modem in.Login in terminal mode to verify your account is working properly. Browse around at your leisure,but be aware that the new account is categorized as "PROSPECT" at this point.PROSPECT customers do not have full access privileges,like WEB/INTERNET access. Once a day we review the new PROSPECT accounts,and if a minimum of identification information is provided we upgrade them to full CUSTOMER privileges.

Once we do that,you should relogin.This time when asked for USERID,type it in as usual,however,follow immediately with "/ppp" and carriage return.For example if your USERID is "JohnSmith",use "JohnSmith/ppp".Enter PASSWORD as usual.Then instead of the usual terminal mode logon,you will be "dumped" into a PPP connection.Next,the details can vary with your terminal program,but you basically want to enter another Windows window and start your WEB browser program program,eg. NETSCAPE.The browser should then recognize the Internet PPP connection and you're in.Of course,expect some little tinkering with the browser configuration.In some cases trouble can occur with establishing the PPP link;if so,try substituting either "/SLIP" or "/CSLIP" for "/PPP after your password. It sounds like a lot,but its usually a snap.If you have extended problems give me a call. One last word: This is a free service for BDS customers only,and then for convenient use to access dance related information of local interest,and of-course the BDS Shopping Mall.It is NOT a substitute for a full fledged commercial Internet connection,and the privilege /account will be revoked if the privilege is abused.Understand that our Internet connections have limited bandwidth and cost us,so we need to maximize use for all telnet in WEB and dialup users.Hope this is useful for those dancers who need/want only limited WEB access.

For an example of the terminal access process during dialup access you can click the following link.Actually you can use it to establish your BDS account.Then you only need to dialup with your terminal program and enter your established USERID/ppp,etc as above. BDS Danceline BBS: Telnet to: (or modem direct:(408)293-1788). (Note:Some browsers,NETSCAPE included,do not have a native TELNET function included.In such cases this link will not work,and you will have to use your modem/telephone or a separate TELNET program to establish a BDS connection.)

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Bill Rowe EMail:[email protected]

Last Updated: Thursday, December 19, 1996 22:11:02